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I bleed, the podcast – Introduction Ep.1

My name is Leah, I finished a documentary called "I bleed" where I went on a journey to break the taboo and the negative cycle around periods in order to create a new one for my daughter Eva. In this voyage I met a lot...

Religion and periods – Interview with a Rabbi

In this episode I travel to Montreal, and meet with the Senior Rabbi of the Shaare Zedek Congregation in NDG, a spiritual leader in the community. He invites to his office in NDG. So I drive to meet him early in the morning; his office...


I believe a collective healing happens when people from that collective share their stories out loud, when the story no longer remains untold, hushed, and forgotten.For many of the women I interviewed, no one had asked them about the story of their first period, it...

Religion and Periods – Interview with a Priest

In this episode I sit with a Catholic priest and the parish priest of the St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Jebel Ali in Dubai, Father Reinhold Sahner. I meet him in the Parish located in what looks like a religious village...


I believe a collective healing happens when people from that collective share their stories out loud, when the story no longer remains untold, hushed, and forgotten.For many of the women I interviewed, no one had asked them about the story of their first period, it...


I believe a collective healing happens when people from that collective share their stories out loud, when the story no longer remains untold, hushed, and forgotten.For many of the women I interviewed, no one had asked them about the story of their first period, it...

Religion and Periods – Interview with an Imam

In this episode I travel to Lebanon, and meet the Imam of the Baydoun mosque located in the heart of Beirut. Sheikh Ibrahim Al hout is not only an Imam but a professor lecturing at the Lebanese University. It was my first time entering a...


I believe a collective healing happens when people from that collective share their stories out loud, when the story no longer remains untold, hushed, and forgotten.For many of the women I interviewed, no one had asked them about the story of their first period, it...


I believe a collective healing happens when people from that collective share their stories out loud, when the story no longer remains untold, hushed, and forgotten.For many of the women I interviewed, no one had asked them about the story of their first period, it...

Religion and Periods- Interview with a Hindu Scholar

In this episode I travel to Montreal, and sit with Professor Arvind Sharma, a Professor of Comparative Religion at McGill University whose work focus on Hinduism, philosophy of religion. We meet in his office in beautiful old building of Mcgill. His office is covered with...